A Fully NABH Accredited Hospital         spyadav1965@gmail.com

01274-254499 /9467434599/9466154499






  1. This is one of  oldest investigation a physician has!
  2. Our hospital is equipped with two X-Ray machines- one prtable 100mA for bed side X_ray of sick and critical patients available in emergency department
  3. Another machine is 500mA fixed machine with movable table with grid, Both plain (simple) and contrast (colored) X-Rays done
  4. Machines are appproved by BARC. The X-ray room layout is as per norms of BARC(Bhabha Atomic Research Center), Pune and approved by them.
  5. The X rays are computerized and gice digital images
  6. Recommended by NABH as Diagnostic services.